Sunday, April 25, 2010

"Trust Your Heart" by Veronica Stone

Ch. 2 excerpt At twenty, she (Keelin) was responsible for five men, two women, a girl and a boy. It was ridiculous really, considering she could barely look after herself. Cursing, she suddenly felt panic at the knowledge that one of her people was in great danger. She felt her chances of saving him were practically null.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fan Review of "Trust Your Heart"

Check out what this fan had to say about "Trust Your Heart". "Trust Your Heart" by Veronica Stone is a romantic adventure set in times of castles and knights. A book that you won't want to put down. It truly takes you away to another time and place. So much adventure and action that it would make an excellent movie! The well-known Defender, Donavan St. Auburn, is bestowed the land and castle of Shadowood by King Rufus. When he arrives with his men, the Black Guard, to their dismay, they are met by traps and preparations for unwanted visitors. This is when it all started, the spirited Keelin Defratey was secretly living in the castle and commanding it, with a few other inhabitants. Later, The Defender joins forces with lady Keelin so that they can try to keep Shadowood from that slimy Earl of Denton. The trials and tribulations of their relationship keep you on the edge of your seat. Will they succeed in keeping Shadowood? ...Where will their relationship end up??.....This is a fantastic book and Veronica is a very talented writer. I highly recommend Veronica's other books, too.Precious Gifts, Tangled Up In You